Scrying with Mirrors, Crystals and Candles
Introduction to the Art of Scrying
Becoming enraptured by "sparklies" comes naturally to me. I know that I am not unique in this, and that it is what is called "an evolutionary artifact". As a species, apparently this trait is built in to our psyche. We are drawn to shiny things stemming from our need for water. Without the ability to spot its reflective surface from vast distances, we would have died out, so our brains are "programmed" to be drawn to and seek shimmers for survival. It is also this instinct that led our ancestors to eventually using the reflective surfaces in the still waters of lakes and ponds to inspire visions and seek spiritual guidance. We now refer to this method as "Scrying", which is the act of divination for the purpose of clairvoyance, and is achieved by gazing at an object having a shiny surface.
The images seen, when staring at a blank surface for a time, are the result of what is referred to as The Ganzfeld effect, from German meaning "complete field", or perceptual deprivation. The effect occurs as a result of the brain amplifying neural noise in order to look for missing visual signals. We can experience this effect as children when sent to our rooms to stair at the wall, and we notice geometric shapes and images appear upon its surface, or if lying in a dark room trying to sleep but staring at the ceiling instead, we see clouds form or spots of light appear before our eyes. If you have experienced this, you have an understanding of the Ganzfeld state.
The art of the exercise is in the interpretation of the symbols and images that appear. For clues to meanings, if not immediately understood, a common source many refer to are Dream Dictionaries, my favorite go to resource is "The Mystcal, Magical, Marvelous World of Dreams" by Wilda B. Tanner. Another helpful book I have found is "An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols" by J.C. Cooper. The idea being that we are allowing full access to our subconscious for expressing itself to our conscious mind in the form of these random images, and that they are generated for us as ways to communicate hidden knowledge or occurrences yet to come. Scrying has also been thought of as a way to contact the the dead, and is a common function for objects such as "Scrying Mirrors" and Psychomantiums. Superstitions around the world hold that the mirror reflects the soul of the person looking into it and so it is with this idea in mind that I will explain my favorite methods for Scrying using Mirrors, Crystals and Candles.
To Begin:
Place the scrying mirror on a table or flat surface so that you can look at it from approximately a 45 degree angle while in a very comfortable position. You do not want to be able to see any reflection of yourself or objects within its surface, while still having full range of view. Arrange the candles throughout the room so that they are elevated above the scrying mirror but remain outside of your direct line of sight. Enough candles shoud be lit as to provide a dim, flickering aura throughout the room, and that can be captured in the mirrors surface, but so that the flames are not directly seen in the mirror by its viewer.
Breathe deeply and rhythmically while gazing at the mirror, and relax your eyes much like you would if you were viewing a 3D magic eye hidden picture. If you have trouble viewing 3D, (I can't see them myself, ironically) don't worry, scrying is similar only in that you relax your eyes and don't focus intently at the dark surface, but instead use it as the blank canvas for your subconscious to project upon. As you relax, stare deeply into the mirror and allow yourself at least 10 to 30 minutes of time for images to begin to show themselves. With some practice, an hour long session is optimal. Don't be critical of yourself or your results. If you find that you become overly tired, that's ok, if you daydream that's ok too. Just let whatever happens, happen. In this way you will quickly refine your skills so that you will be able to interpret the images you will encounter while attempting this fascinating exercise.
After you have satisfied your curiousity for the evening, and you have encountered the images that awaited your view, take some time to note the visions you may have seen in a journal or notebook. At first just list all of the images, symbols and/or messages received during your scrying session, without attempting to decipher them if you do not immediately understand their meanings. For those that you do, or for particular themes that were noted during your viewing, write the importance of those as well. Once satisfied that you have recalled all that you are able, then you can go about consulting Dream Books for clues into the nature of the visions you do not immediately understand.
With patience and practice, and through the use of notes, you will eventually find a language in symbols that you begin to recognize easily and that will be distinctly your own, and may be quite amazed by some of the messages you will receive!
To make your own Scrying Mirror, all you will require is a frame with glass, of your choice in style, with as large a viewing area as possibe while maintaining portability, and a can of black spray paint for glass. I tend to like very ornate peices for display, but for a "working mirror" its best to choose one that has a thin dark frame with smooth surfaces as well, so as not to capture the light and draw attention away from the intended scrying surface. Simply remove the glass from its frame, and after carefully washing with soap or glass cleaner to remove any oils or smudges, follow the manufacturers directions for using spray paint to coat one side of the glass. This is best done in several thin coats that are allowed to fully dry in between. Once you have reached the level of coverage necessary (typically 2-3 coats), simply replace the glass into the frame, unpainted glass side facing out, being careful not to scratch your newly painted surface. Replace backing cardboards securely and presto! You have yourself a scrying mirror.
Material Needed:
Mirror of Opaque Black Glass
3+ Candles
Paper and writing instrument for note taking.
How to Use a Scrying Mirror
Crystals Scrying Methods
Crystal balls and crystal chunks are seemingly mandatory in any self respecting Fortune Tellers toolbox. I am a willing slave to this tradition, as nothing seems to please me more than to stare at sparklies all day. Crystal Scrying works upon the same principles as listed above for mirror gazing, but with the distinct difference that instead of attempting to scry using a completely opaque surface, the medium used is far more reflective and refraction of light tends to be the best instigator of imagery. At the risk of sounding like a crystal ball snob, I will freely admit here that I do not tend to like to use orbs that are not natural and without a lot of inclusions. These make the best surfaces in my opinion, and the less expensive leaded glass versions just don't provide enough visual interest for me to even care to use them.
To Begin you will want to use a crystal orb or chunk that is at least the size of the palm of your hand. Smaller surfaces do well for some, but I tend to think that bigger is always better when trying to view imagery without distractions from other sensory input. Place 2-3 candles around the perimeter of the area you will be placing your Crystal ball or chunk, close enough to capture their light, but so that the flames themselves are not seen reflected upon its surface. Maintining one side free for viewing. The more your candles' flames flicker, the better.
Crystals can be held in the hands or placed upon the surface of a table depending on the item being used, its size and comfort of the User. The angle of view is unimportant, in fact, I often alter the postioning of my crystals as I gaze at them in order to enhance the patterns within. Dim the lights or completely extinguish them if using candles and place your crystal on a dark cloth or surface prior to focusing upon it as described in the earlier mirror scrying technique. Soften your gaze and allow the inclusions within the crystal to capture your attention. Gaze on the colors you see created within its surface and allow your mind to drift while you project your attention upon them. Let any images and ideas come to you without attempting to understand or decipher them, simply make mental note to include them in your written ones later.
I find this type of scrying is much more conducive to images of events and recollections, inspiring centered thought on situations that need my introspection. This method of scrying often inspires images reminiscent of old home movies, quick snippets of time and memory are often seen. Again it is wise to take notes regarding your session afterward, and allow for however much time gazing as you wish to, but beginning sessions should last approximately 10-30 minutes and work up to an hour at a time. You will find, that with some practice, that imagery will come to you quickly and freely, and you will often find yourself gazing at mirrors and shiny objects during the day, like I do, entranced in all the brilliant shining messages of your imagination.
WARNING: Scrying can potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Discretion is advised when performing the above methods and we assume no responsibility for any injury that may result from the participation in the above stated activities.
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