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Does the Ouija Board work? Do you really believe in those things? An Introduction and my response.

Madam Sheol's Private Collection

Does the Ouija Board really work? Do you really believe in those things? These are the most common questions people ask me after I explain that I am a Director for the Talking Board Historical Society and design and manufacture 'witch boards' as well.

My typical response to these types of inquiries is to flash a my horsey grin and ask if they want the short answer or the long one, but I typically try to satisfy their curiosity with the following statement:

If the question is whether I believe it is a 'demon' or 'spirit' that guides the movement of the planchette (otherwise known as the 'plastic indicator thingie') then the answer is no.

Long Answer: No, I do not believe the source of any movement achieved is by means of a disembodied human or entity manipulating the planchette with its spectral digits. That being said, I do believe that the Ouija board can indicate letters and/or numbers by the use of an indicator propelled by the fleshy fingers of a living, breathing individual or group, without their consciously being aware that they are creating the physical force behind the movement, and yes I do believe the Ouija board really works. I believe that talking boards 'work' just like other transcription tools, such as pencils and computer keyboards do, by the manipulations of a very corporeal being.

But I do not have such easy and concise answers for the more provocative questions, such as: ⦁ Can games like Ouija boards and Fortune Telling Cards really predict the future? ⦁ How do the different divination games work, and how do you explain the accuracy of the responses that are achieved when using them? ⦁ Why do games that are designed to predict events or rely upon seemingly unknown forces to work as intended, generate such hysteria and fear in some people?

It is these types of questions and concepts that I will be discussing in this blog. It is not just the different types of games and how they are played that interest me. I am intrigued by the history behind how and why particular games developed from mere pastimes into methods to prophesize or indicate the will of the Gods. I will discuss and examine the fear and mythologies that build up around these types of games as well.

Madam Sheol's Private Collection

This blog is not intended to negate anyone's beliefs due to their experiences with the Occult or games and items used to facilitate 'supernatural' communication. Nor do I wish to debate the merits of particular religious doctrines or dispute the dangers of these types of pastimes. This blog is merely my ramblings on a subject that I find fascinating, and my understanding of it given my personal experiences and research. I invite everyone to participate and engage in a conversation about the subjects presented, and encourage visitors to feel free to comment, even if you have an opposing view point or experience you would like to share. I enjoy learning from all points of view, and do not wish to infer that my understanding of the topics presented are the only valid ones or that I am an expert in such matters. What I hope to do is open a dialog, share knowledge and provide information for those (including myself) whom seek it. I wish to preface every entry with the understanding that I consider myself a skeptic and believe the following quote to be true:

"Skeptic does not mean him who doubts, but him who investigates or researches as opposed to him who asserts and thinks that he has found." -[Miguel de Unamuno, "Essays and Soliloquies," 1924]

Ultimately though, if truly pressed, my response to the question is this:

Although this author believes that it is through the ideomotor effect that movement is established, the theory does not completely satisfy my curiosity regarding how it is that the messages transcribed are often intelligible, can be eerily accurate, and otherwise consciously unknown to its Users.


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